Phuncity A/V samples provided by our staff timelessly working to make available Audio and Video resources for your personal and ministry growth.
Audio CD's, MP3, WAV, WMA, and iPOD formats will be made for your access. Video DV and DVD formats will be made for your access as well. As resources become available we will be able to increase our streaming abilities and make available to all of your electronic devices the ministries produced. Read More >
New Videos

Major events and presentations.
Special occations bring moving productions and keeping those timeless recordings for future sharing is all important. When you or loved ones miss an opportunity to be a part we can help with your own copy of the event.

Capture every moment of your concert for later viewing, listening, sweetening and maybe production into your live album.
Don't miss the moment by not contacting us before your next event.
Video Products
All Audio and Video products will be delivered with fixed labels and protective case.
If you need special quantities, plese let us know as soon as possible that we would prepare for your needs.
- DVD is a medium used by Phuncity for videos production. If you desire other formats such as AVI or MP4 please contact us.
- CDA is a medium used by Phuncity for audio production. If you desire other formats such as MP3, WAV, WMA, and iPOD please contact us.
- Streaming services can be found on the Live and Message links at the top of this page. Be patient as this service is in the process of expanding and may be off during updates.